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I Picked A Hell Of A Time To Exercise

While riding the exercise bike earlier this afternoon, I periodically checked my e-mail (via the Sprint phone) for stuff that could be forwarded to Aaron Wilson. The message I received regarding a Bills running back being arrested looked innocuous. So instead of holding it for 15 minutes (pun intended), I forwarded the item to Aaron. And then I arrived back at the official PFT laptop after the ride ended, and I realized that this was hardly the run-of-the-mill marijuana/DUI/simple assault affair. This was a Dookie Davenport-quality incident. A 100-year event that will make the name “Corey McIntyre” a permanent fixture in these parts. Of course, it’s a bit discourgaging that he played college football at West Virginia. But, frankly, I don’t remember the guy. (I think he was a fullback. And now he’s a full-front. Rim shot.) The fact that McIntyre says he was riding a bike makes the Pee Wee Herman comparisons even more appropriate, and inevitable. But the best way to explain this one (as a reader pointed out) is by mentioning a classic quote from a certain sitcom that aired its final episode eleven years ago yesterday. “He took it out.”
