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This Father’s Day, renew your commitment to your kids

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In some respects, Father’s Day is about dad getting a new tie and/or a funny card about gas and/or baldness and/or a couple of hours of peace and/or quiet.

But it’s also a day when all fathers should assess whether and to what extent they’re fulfilling their obligations to their children.

Former Bucs and Colts coach Tony Dungy has a prominent role in the All Pro Dad organization, and Dungy and the group recently were featured in a very inspirational segment on the Today show. All Pro Dad provides via its website great advice for fathers, and my personal favorite comes from the 10 ways to be an All Pro Dad. The list appears below; the All Pro Dad website contains a paragraph of explanation and guidance as to each one.

1. Love Your Wife.

2. Spend Times With Your Kids.

3. Be a Role Model.

4. Understand Your Children.

5. Show Affection.

6. Enjoy Your Children.

7. Eat Together as a Family.

8. Discipline with a Gentle Spirit.

9. Pray and Worship Together.

10. Realize You’re a Father Forever.

That last one should cause a small tear (or at a minimum repeated blinking) for every father in the crowd: "[A] good father realizes that as he allows his children their freedom to direct their own lives, he doesn’t abandon them at a dorm room, a wedding altar, or the door of their first job. He continues to encourage, coach and convey his wisdom to his children forever.”

So have a great Father’s Day. And spend plenty of quality time with your children, today and always.

Yesterday, Florio Jr. and I ran a two-mile race together. Even though I managed to convince him that it would be good training for football, he complained for most of the 19-plus minutes that we needed to cover the distance. Still, I loved every second of it.

Especially since my toupee didn’t blow off.